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Dry January is Over, But Mocktails Aren’t

  • February 6, 2024

Acting your age is starting to take on a whole new meaning!  According to a January 2024 poll by Civic Science,  one out of three GenZ respondents made or purchased a mocktail (non-alcoholic cocktail) in the last 30 days.  In…

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A Surefire Way to Increase Revenue

  • January 9, 2024

Back in the 1970s, before the drive-through, one of the McDonalds in Arizona saw a sudden decline in sales.  It turns out that the commander of a local army base issued an order that soldiers were no longer allowed to…

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Don’t Anger a Hungry Customer

  • November 28, 2023

Earlier this month, DoorDash announced that it would soon begin showing warning pop-ups that customers may have to wait longer for their food order to be delivered if they don’t give a tip. “Orders with no tip might take longer to…

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When the Cure is Worse than the Problem

  • September 14, 2023

Years ago, while training for the NY Marathon, I went to a doctor as I was experiencing pain in my knee.  He proposed immediate surgery. I went to another doctor.  He proposed a noninvasive treatment.  I took that option. It worked.…

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Finding More of Your Best Customers

  • April 18, 2023

My Dad loves to tell the joke about the guy looking for his contact lenses at night under a corner street lamp:  “Where did you lose them?”, a bystander asks.“A few blocks away”, the man answers.“So, why are you looking…

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Recession = More Revenue???

  • January 5, 2023

There were a lot of people talking about the possibility of a Recession last month.   Yet, recessions don't always have to hurt.   “Recession” and “Increasing Revenue” can actually profitably coexist. I am reminded of a furniture company that approached me in…

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Farewell to the Who and McRib

  • November 10, 2022

My friend was so excited to tell me about seeing The Who in concert this week!  “I had to go. I’ve heard this is their last tour date in Los Angeles – we will never get to see them again!” This week…

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Make More Money and Feel Good, Too!

  • November 1, 2017

Last week, Tesla announced that it had used its solar panels and batteries to restore reliable electricity at San Juan’s Hospital del Niño. This was a mere three weeks after Elon Musk first tweeted that he had already built power…

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Are You Ignoring Your Best Customers?

  • August 1, 2017

As I trekked up the steep side of a remote volcano on the island of Bali in the 3am darkness en route to a spectacular sunrise at the top, it occurred to me that I was not the oldest person…

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Why Luck Executives Aren’t Lucky

  • February 1, 2017

I work with many CEOs who lament they and their business can never catch a lucky break. It just seems that their competitors always get the leg up with new opportunities, and they have to work so hard just to…

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