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Three Things You Need in Your Recipe for More Revenue

I gained five pounds in December.  I’m really not happy about it.

To make matters worse, because I tore my MCL skiing, I can’t run until it heals – and that was my usual way of keeping in shape.

Alternate forms of aerobic exercise. Check. Further restrictions on carbohydrate intake.  Uggghhhh.  Sounds like further restrictions on “taste intake.”

Wait!  I just read about a company that makes “real food that tastes like candy.”  Who can resist that????

Protein bars, pastas and chips.  The ingredients – lots of protein, low carbs and no added sugars.

The company – Quest Nutrition

Their core value proposition – “Healthy food that tastes amazing with zero compromises.”

The founders based the company on the belief that “people eat for enjoyment rather than sustenance.”  So, their goal was to create food that doesn’t compromise on taste or nutrition. What a great concept – healthy food that people actually want to eat because the experience of eating the healthy food is pleasurable.

Certainly, as their website attests, their core value proposition is easier said than done.  And, because they stayed true to their mission during their years of product development, and are now delivering their core value proposition to customers, it is clearly working.

  • GNC named Quest “Protein Bar of the Year” in 2012 and 2013.
  • Vitamin Shoppe recognized Quest as the best selling protein bar in the store in 2013
  • Quest was the #2 fastest growing private company on the INC 5000 in 2014
  • 2013 Revenues were $82M
  • Their three year growth rate is 57,347%
  • Oh, and when did the company start? … 2010

What’s their recipe for success?

  • Find out what the customer truly wants
  • Make that your core value proposition
  • Deliver it to them…without compromise

How is that recipe turning out when you bake it in your company oven?

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